Planting times have a wide range, from early fall until the ground freezes. Try to plant at least six weeks before the ground freezes to allow for maximum root growth.
- Plant bulbs only in well drained garden locations.
- Bulb tip should always point upward, flat side down.
- Consider planting bulbs in masses and drifts for greater impact.
- For smaller bulbs, dig one large hole and drop bulbs in; you do not have to dig an individual hole for each bulb.
- Layer bulbs for dramatic impact: plant large bulbs more deeply and smaller bulbs more shallowly.
- After planting, mulch 1–3" for added winter protection.
- Bulbs do not need a lot of fertilizer: mix in a light application of bone meal at planting time.
- For larger bulbs, apply a repeat application of bone meal after flowering. Larger bulbs produce larger flowers next year.
- In spring after flowering, do not cut the foliage off — the foliage is part of the perennial growth cycle. Allow it to die back naturally. Do not braid daffodil foliage.