New for the 2025 season. Five new tomatoes & peppers bred for direct outdoor sowing in your garden, in any region.
Easy-growing, direct-sowing revolutionary hybrids with early and abundant harvests.

Burpee Garden Sown™ Groundswell Tomato 

Burpee Garden Sown™ Rain Drops Tomato

Burpee Garden Sown™ Groundfather Pepper

Burpee Garden Sown™ Lavaland Pepper

Burpee Garden Sown™ Sow Sweet Pepper

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Do you have a quick reference for onions?

Yes, we do! Please see the below chart:



NameItem NumberTypeBulb SizeAvailableColorTasteStorageDaysUsesNotes
Big Daddy68984Long Day5"PlantsYellowSweet8-10 months110CookingSpanish Type, disease resisitant
Blush57990ALong Day3 - 2"SeedsPink BlushPungent5 months106Cooking
Candy Hybrid68985Intermediate4-6"PlantsLight yellowExtra Sweet2-3 months80-90Fresh/cooking
Cippolini Red51915ALong Day1-3"SeedsPurple/whiteSweet/Mild2-3 months120-150Fresh/ Cooking
Egyptian Walking Onion69027Multiplying1-2"SetsGreen/maroonStrong1-3 months60-360 CookingPerennial/only available in the fall
Exhibition22055Long Day3-4"PlantsWhiteMild/sweet1-3 months90-110 FreshSpanish Type
Georgia Queen22056Short Day3-5Yellow
YellowSweet1-3 months100FreshVidalia type, yellow Granex
Granex Yellow06098AShort Day3-5"SeedsYellowMild/sweet1-3 months120-160 Fresh/cookingUsed as the  Vidalia onion,pink root resisitance
Italian Torpedo65640AShort Day4-6" longSeedsRosy/RedSweet1 month90-110CookingElongated
Patterson Hybrid19512Long Day3 1/2-4"PlantsYellowMild/sweet9-12 months100-104Cooking
Red Candy68983Intermediate3"PlantsPurple/redSweet1-2 months95Fresh/cooking
Red Creole53255AShort Day3-4"SeedsRedPungent6-7 months110Cooking
Texas Supersweet79872Short Day4-6"PlantsYellowSweet2-3 months80-90Fresh/cooking
Walla Walla Sweet14985Long Day4-6"PlantsWhiteSweet2-3 months80-90Fresh/cooking
Onion Collections 
Burpee Sweet Onion Plants13789CIntermediate4-6"PlantsRed, Light Yellow, White Sweet2-3 months80-90Fresh/CookingGiant Red Hamburger, Candy, Snow White  
Intermediate Day Collection19483CIntermediate3-6"PlantsPurple/Red, Yellow,  WhiteSweet1-3 months80-95Fresh/CookingRed Candy,
Candy,  Superstar 
Long Day Collection19749CLong4-6"PlantsPurple/Red, White, WhiteSweet2-3 months90-120Fresh/CookingRed Zeppelin, Walla Wall, White Spanish
Mixed plants Collection11051cLong 4-6"PlantsWhite, White, Purple/RedSweet2-3 months80-95Fresh/CookingSuperstar, Walla Walla, Red Candy Apple
Short Day Collection19488CShort4-6"PlantsYellow, white, red/whiteSweet2-3 months80-100Fresh/CookingTexas,  Contesa, Giant Red Hamburger
Sets Collection69690C
Long1-2"SetsYellow, White,
Pungent10-12 months80--160CookingTypes only not named varieties: Yellow-Stuttgarter; White-Ebenezer; Red- Whetherfield
Evergreen Long White60723ABunching1"SeedsWhite/greenMildNA60-120Fresh/cooking
Parade 64140ABunching1"SeedsWhite/greenMildNA60Fresh/cooking
Tokyo Long White65130ABunching1"SeedsWhite/greenMildNA65-70Fresh/cooking
White Lisbon53736ABunching1"SeedsWhite/greenMildNA60-100Fresh/cooking

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