New for the 2025 season. Five new tomatoes & peppers bred for direct outdoor sowing in your garden, in any region.
Easy-growing, direct-sowing revolutionary hybrids with early and abundant harvests.

Burpee Garden Sown™ Groundswell Tomato 

Burpee Garden Sown™ Rain Drops Tomato

Burpee Garden Sown™ Groundfather Pepper

Burpee Garden Sown™ Lavaland Pepper

Burpee Garden Sown™ Sow Sweet Pepper

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Do you have a quick reference for beans?

We do! Please see the below chart for comparative purposes:


NameSKUType DTMPod Size ColorHeight SpreadTrellisContainerSeed colorNotes
Asparagus Red Podded69300APole Asparagus7714"red60"12"yesnopinkbest picked at 12"
Asparagus Yardlong62190APole Asparagus8012"green60-108"12"yesnored/brownbest picked 18"

Big Kahuna62410ABush Snap5711"green24"18"noyeswhite/brown spotscan get top heavy
Big Mama61759aLima808"green96-120"12"

Blue Lake 27451086ABush Snap585-6"green15-20"10"noyeswhitegood canning type
Blue Lake 4757034ABush Snap586"green15-20"10"noyeswhitestronger taste and more tender
Burpee's Stringless Green Pod61630ABush Snap506"green12-18"10"noyesbrown
Contender68015ABush Snap555-6"green18-30"18-10"noyestan/brown
Desperado58710ABush Snap554-6"green12-15"26-29"noyesbrownheat tolerant
Dragon's Tongue50377ABush Shelling60-1006-8"yellow12-18"10"noyesbrown/dark spotsyellow wax with purple spots
Early Bush Italian56499ABush Filet505-6"green16-18"10"noyeswhiteflat pod Italian
Fin de Bagnol64905ABush Filet50-606-8"green15-20"10"noyesbrownharvest thin to prevent strings
Fordhook 24250930ABush Lima654"green15-20"10"noyeswhite3-5 beans per pod heat tolerant
French Filet56747ABush Filet565"green12-20"10"noyeswhitepick thin 3/8" wide or can get strings

Gold Mine50021ABush Snap555-6"yellow15-20"10"noyeswhiteyellow wax, high yield
Golden Wax60194ABush Wax55-604-5"yellow15-20"15-20"noyeswhite/brown eye
Kentucky Blue51474APole Snap657"green72-108"18"yesnowhitestringless heavy yield
Kentucky Wonder61820APole Snap657-9"green72-108"18"yesnobrownpick thin or could string
Lazy Housewife53530APole/Shell/Snap80-904"green8-9'24"yesnowhiteeat as snap or shelling
 Lima Burpee's Bush61754ABush Lima75 days3-4"green15-20"15-20"noyeswhite
Lima Fordhook 24250930ABush Lima654"green15-20"10"noyesPale green
Lima King of the Garden65770TPole Lima1104-7"green9-12'2-3'yesnotan
Mascotte51970ABush Snap50-554-5"green20"24"noyeswhite
Mellow Yellow68020TBush Wax606"yellow12"12"noyeswhite
Monte Gusto52170APole Wax70-805-9"yellow45-70"25-30"yesnobrown
Porch Pick55380ABush Snap555"green18"36"noyeswhitebest for containers

Purple King61240APole Snap755-6"purple48-72"18"yesnotanpods turn green when cooked
Purple Queen56176ABush Snap527"purple15-20"10"noyesbrownpods turn green when cooked
Roma ll55103ABush Italian534-5"green15-20"10"noyeswhiteflat pod Italian
Scarlet Runner52696APole Shelling70-1078"green72-108"12"yesnobrown & blackornament red flowers 
Seychelles60690APole Snap556"green84-108"10"yesnolight green
Soy, Chiba Green Organic52275

Stringless Green Pod61630ABush Snap506"green12-18"10"noyeslight brownresistant to powdery mildew
Three Color Bean69005A
50-604-6"green purple yellow15-20"10"

Trionfo Violetto61147APole Snap60-727"purple70-108"18"yesnotanturn green when cooked
Triomphe de Farcy 52688ABush Filet483-6"green15-20"10"noyesbrownsome seeds white
White Half Runner62273APole Snap604"green18-2416"yesnowhitealso called Greasy Bean pod is smooth

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