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Do you have a quick reference for fall garlic?

Yes, we do! Please see the below chart:



SKUVarietyFlavorAvg. # Cloves/BulbsAvg. # Bulbs per 1/2 lb.Type
69397TAjo RojoRich with medium heat114Hardneck
69811TBlanak*Strong Flavor with heat4 to 64Hardneck
69388TBlanco PiacenzaMedium well-rounded flavor and heat134Softneck
69050TCalifornia EarlySubtle and mild64Softneck
69054TChesnok Red*Strong Flavor mild heat good roasted 54Hardneck
39383TChinese PinkStrong flavor with mild heat116Hardneck
69396TCuban PurpleSweet with mild heat104Hardneck
69814TDeerfield*Strong with mild heat8 to 104Hardneck
15792TEarly Italian Sweet with mild heat114Softneck
69070TElephantMellow with mild heat22 to 3Softneck
69088TExtra Select Medium well-rounded flavor and heat94Softneck
69051TGeorgia CrystalRich and mild4 to 62Hardneck
69048TGerman RedRobust with spicy heat, for cold areas only56Hardneck
69380TInchelium RedMild-medium flavor with a touch of heat104Softneck
69381TItalian LateStrong flavor with mild heat256Softneck
69080TItalian LoiaconoRich flavor with medium heat114Softneck
69060TKillarney RedStrong nutty flavor96Hardneck
69065TLorz ItalianBold and spicy94Softneck
69385TMaiskijRich and robust114Harneck
69821TMetechi*Strong with mild heat4 to 62 to 4Hardneck
69053TMontana GiantRobust with high heat5 to 7 2Hardneck
69075TMusicRich flavor with mild heat63Hardneck
69071TNootka RoseVery strong flavor and spicy heat186Softneck
Premium Norther WhiteZesty-Hot6 to 73 to 4Hardneck
69083TPurple GlazerMedium well-rounded flavor  117Hardneck
69836TRomanian RedStrong and hot4 to 54Hardneck
69827TRussian RedStrong Medium Heat6 to 94Hardneck
69384TShillaMedium heat62Hardneck
69090TSilver RoseRich flavor with mild heat166Softneck
69386TSonoranMild flavor and heat103Hardneck
69345TSpanish BeniteeSweet with mild heat102Hardneck
69382TSpanish RojoStrong flavor and hot116Hardneck
69058TTexas RoseRich medium heat84Softneck
69398TThai FireRich and hot74Hardneck
69010TTransylvaniaStrong flavor and hot104Softneck
69389TViola FranceseStong medium flavor6 to 84Softneck

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